Spring has come back again. The Earth is like a child who knows poems by heart.
Rainer Maria Rilke
between the Winter and Summer Solstices. It's a time when the
darkness of winter is in balance with the light of summer,
promising longer day-light hours to come as spring blossoms
and awakens new life. Ritually, it's a day to acknowledge the
constriction from which we are emerging and to welcome the
expansion of the light into which we are awakening. It's a
moment to acknowledge and celebrate our Wholeness and
awaken to the Oneness to which all beings are called in service
to the Web of Life.
The Spring Equinox is a time of Awakening. Spring represents
a new day. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight & your spirit
may feel ready to make a fresh start. We're shifting from
Winter's inward-focused time of darkness & incubation – into an
external, outward-focused world of light, activity, and rebirth.
It's a time of transformation and transition, not unlike giving
birth. Spring nurtures you, helps you grow, and guides you on
your soul's path.
Can you feel the energy shifting? Can you feel the fresh,
invigorating, inspiring energy of Spring beginning to blow into
your life? The winds of change are blowing, and that can make
things feel a bit unsettled (internally and externally) at this time
and throughout the month. I've noticed that with the weather
patterns here in northern Colorado and across the US. So far
this month, we've had days when the temperatures were close
to 70, followed by a 2-day blizzard that left nearly two feet of
snow, and then sunny warm days arrived again. I feel that
tumultuous energy inside, as well. From one day to the next,
sometimes moment to moment, my energy shifts; my mood
The changing seasons always stir up intense energy, but the
transition from Winter to Spring is particularly challenging. For
the most part, I have the sense that something new and
beautiful is emerging. But in the process, I often have a feeling
of being squeezed, as what is getting ready to shift comes into
the light of awareness. I have come to recognize that the
squeeze is a good sign that something new is rising...just like
plump seeds below the soil's surface sprouting new growth.
embrace new beginnings, I also have a part that is fixed to what
I know. And that part is being challenged lately by the quantum
changes that are happening inside and all around each of us. I
feel excitement and more energy as Spring approaches--
pouring over seed and flower catalogs, dreaming about what the
garden will look like, shifting my focus from "cacooning" to
spreading my wings. And, as spring gets underway, my energy
will shift from dreaming to doing. I'm feeling moved and
energized by the possibilities for a fresh start and clarity during
spring and beyond. Not everyone feels that way.
Sometimes, I don't feel that way either. In conversations with
clients who report that this time is difficult for them, almost too
intense, I realize they're looking for ways to ease their journey
into the new season--internally and externally. This is the time to
hold space for that, too. One of our spiritual tasks during this
time is finding ways to balance this "topsy-turvy" energy and
return to or reinforce a sense of equilibrium to the places in life
that are currently feeling out of balance.
Awakening can be messy. Awakening can be chaotic,
sometimes moving forward, sometimes circling back. It's not
linear. It's like an upward, expanding spiral. Awakening is
something that the we are, a way of being– not something that
we do. Moving to a higher frequency is not all smooth sailing.
We are all acclimating to a new way of being and this may take
some time and the process needs support. Through our daily
self-care practices and rituals, we co-create meaning for
ourselves, we open to new beginnings, to transformation.
Awakening occurs when we make deep connections with
nature, with Oneness, and our deep down, inner self--our
This is a potent time to focus on what you want your Awakening
to look like. The seasonal energy is always pushing us to grow.
It's always providing us with the supportive, nurturing energy
necessary to transform our life.
This is the time to live in alignment with this energy, and to grow
and experience a deeper more meaningful and purposeful life.
Overall, Spring is a joyful time. Everything is coming alive.
Nature is waking up & being reborn.
The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming
alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn
& coming alive in ways they never have before. You have the
power & potential to grow into WHATEVER YOU WANT this
year! Especially if you put some really focused attention and
intention into what you want that to be.
The beautiful & empowering thing about Spring is:
Just like in the outer world of gardening, this is when you get to
plant new seeds for your life & set spring intentions, when you
begin to bloom & flower in the outside world, after months of
being inwardly-focused & tucked away inside your house.
(Literally AND figuratively.) This time of year your spirit is bright
& coming alive with new ideas; hopefully you’re feeling inspired
& excited to try new things.
Your work this season is to take care of yourself, clear any
energetic blocks to Awakening, and align your energy with the
seasonal energy. These steps will help you determine which of
your winter dreams you want to focus spring’s powerful growth
energy on. Spring Equinox is the beginning; the Awakening will
continue throughout the spring season.
Spring and summer bring powerful growth energy. If you’re not
clear about where to focus that energy, it may feel chaotic and
overwhelming. Your energy gets pulled in many different
directions and could leave you feeling burned out. When you’re
really clear, calm, and relaxed about where you want to see
growth, you have the power to transform your life.
Here are three simple, powerful steps (a fourth one, an
Awakening Exercise, can be found below) for supporting your
Spring journey toward Awakening:
1. Self-care: One of the easiest ways to incorporate self-care
when you feel the intensity of the seasonal energy (or any time
you feel pulled from your center) is through connecting with your
“Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as a
means to take hold of your mind again.” Thich Nhat Hanh
Try this breathing meditation every morning for the next week
(and beyond, if you choose) and anytime you want to regain
your balance:
5-Minute Breathing Meditation*:
I. Before you begin this meditation, think of an area of your
life that feels out of balance.
II. Set an intention to breathe love and gratitude into this area
of your life.
III. Set a “gentle” timer, i.e., a quiet ring tone on your phone, for
5 minutes.
IV. Take slow, deep breaths. As you breathe in, repeat to
yourself: “Breathe in gratitude”. “Breathe out love”. Do this for
three breaths.
V. Then switch and repeat to yourself: “Breathe in love”.
“Breathe out gratitude.” Do this for three breaths.
VI. Continue breathing easily and deeply for the remainder of
the 5-minutes.
2. Clearing energetic blocks: In order to move forward, it’s
necessary to take clear, inspired actions. These clear and
inspired actions are sometimes hidden by old conflicts,
beliefs, and energetic patterns that need to be cleared
(remember: Awakening is Messy). You won’t be able to take
inspired actions and create the life you want to live without
I love clarity; it’s the start of everything.
That's why I love EFT/Tapping so much. I know I mention this
technique often in my blogs: Because it works for clearing
limiting beliefs and inner conflicts that keep us stuck! I've seen
amazing results for myself and my clients since I found
EFT/Tapping. Of course it's taken dedication to doing the work
and lots of introspection and tapping, but since I started
incorporating EFT/ Tapping, along with meditation and other
tools, the transformation in my life and the lives of my clients
astounds me.
Check out Carol Look's coaching program: Clarity in Action.
Carol is an EFT/Tapping Master who has decades of experience
helping clients show up for themselves by teaching them to
clear behaviors and fears that get in the way of clarity.
Creative Mandalas Oracle Card spread & journal prompts to
help you connect with your own inner wisdom, gain insight into
your deeper thoughts & feelings, and align your energy with the
seasonal energy. The mandalas, messages, and affirmations
support your understanding of where to direct your energy so
you get the most impact of spring's powerful growth energy.
Spring Equinox 2021 Oracle Card Reading |
dreams–is reborn in spring. This is a time of pure potential.
Anything is possible in your life right now. This Co-Creative
Mandala, "Awakening", from photographs of daffodils (symbols
of rebirth and hope, new life and resilience, positivity and joy
and an appreciation for being alive) reminds us to be open to
possibilities, to be curious, to discover what is easy, playful, and
unexpected. Your work right now is to connect deeply with your
dreams. What do you want to nurture & bring to life this season?
When you are really clear about what you want to bring to life,
you have the power to channel the potent energy of spring &
create whatever you want in your life.
Everything and everyone has in themselves a hidden wholeness, a potential for growth, a dream of themselves.
Dr. Rachel Ramen
In this simple, yet powerful exercise, I invite you to celebrate
Awakening and feel supported by your inner and outer
resources. Honor this powerful time of rebirth, new beginnings,
and possibilities.
This is a special opportunity to reflect on the powerful energy,
within you and as it's reflected in nature. The Equinoxes are a
time of the perfect balance of light and darkness on Earth. And
this powerful energy brings balance into any parts of your life &
your spirit that are feeling a bit turned upside down.
Give yourself plenty of time without interruptions to dive
deeply into this exercise. Meditate, journal, create and bless
your sacred space.
Make this exercise your own. Invest your time and attention.
Don’t rush.
As you sit quietly in your space, light a candle that welcomes
In a moment, when you are done reading through the
instructions, write everything that the Co-Creative
Mandala-'Awakening' makes you think of. Write how you feel
when you look at it. Write about what the associated chakras
represent (sacral, solar plexus, heart, and crown) and how that
might be applicable to your journey toward Oneness this year.
Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath; just be
with your breath. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out. Take
another deep breath in. Breathe out. Notice the sensations as
you exhale—without judgement. Feel the body breathing. Bring
your body into stillness.
Open your eyes and bring your attention to the 'Awakening'
mandala; allow the mandala energy to fill your heart; be with
whatever is there.
Invest a few minutes toward allowing the 'Awakening' energy to
flow to and through your body. Imagine that energy bursting
through your crown chakra and extending far into the heavens.
Imagine the 'Awakening' energy flowing through you and down
deep into the earth. Imagine it radiating from your heart and
extending out in front of you and behind you. Imagine the
'Awakening' energy is a radiant ball that encircles you.
Now, sit with this energy for a few minutes.
What about the 'Awakening' mandala captures your attention?
Notice and Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Relax into your body and its quietness. Be with the energy, be
present, listen.
Here's the ritual:
1. Begin by reflecting on the following questions:
Take out a piece of paper and answer these questions:
What new plans & ideas did you dream about over winter?
What new inspirations do you feel alive with?
What do you want to start this spring?
What great things do you want to achieve?
2. Read what you've written:
Read out loud what you wrote in response to the questions
3. Ask for support:
In whatever words come to you, ask for support from the
Universe/God/Goddess/Guides–whatever Higher Power calls to
you in this moment.
Ask the spring energy to infuse your dreams with life.
4. Give thanks:
Thank whatever Higher Power you call on, for bringing your
dreams to life. Say thanks as though your dream has already
come true. (Because it HAS, you’re simply calling it into your
Don’t worry about getting the words perfect, or saying the exact
right thing. Just say whatever comes to your mind & your heart.
It’s okay if it feels awkward & clunky. (Remember: Awakening is
messy and takes practice!)
5. Reread your words often:
As often as possible, read your words during the first days of
spring. Then, release your dreams to the Universe, your higher
power, and trust that vision is being drawn into your life.
Continue to do this practice as often as you are called to during
the spring months.
May you trust your unfolding journey.
May you feel supported.
May you allow you purpose to unfold.
May the portal of your heart open.
May you Awaken to Oneness.
Peace and joy to your awakening heart!