There's a crack, a crack in everything--
that's how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen
now. To stand your tallest. Everything in nature is stretching &
growing & preparing to bear fruit. And so are you! How can you
use this incredible influx of energy? Where do you want to direct
this extra fire? How can you connect with this powerful time to
expand & co-create transformation in your life? How can you
use this energy to bring more light to the world? This is a really
important, meaningful time. And the most important thing you
can do is to trust you're being guided. Trust in the forces that
encourage ALL living things to grow & blossom & bear fruit. The
natural forces that are pushing the plants in the garden to
produce their vegetables and flowers are pushing you, too –
encouraging you to blossom, directing you toward living your
There are ancient beliefs that say the Summer Solstice opens
the portal between this world and the spiritual realm. Is that
true? Over the past few months, there have been times when
it's been hard to see an opening that lets the light in. We’ve
been on a roller coaster ride this year, and try as we might,
there have been times when it hasn’t all been fun, or peaceful,
or comforting.
With the Solstice opening the portal into the spiritual realm, we
can find our way back to balance, joy, gratitude, and yes, fun by
letting go and accepting what was, what is, and what will be.
The present moment is the only thing in our control, the only
thing that is certain. Surrendering isn't giving up; acceptance
isn't resignation. Being in the present is like laying in a field,
looking up at the blue summer sky and watching the clouds go
by. There's no resistance to the moment to moment
experience, there's no judgment about the clouds, there's only
observation, surrendering to what is, and accepting that
change happens.
For the next few days, the cosmic "weather" will be electrifying!
So, what cosmic energies are at play now and how will they
create a shift? The day after the Solstice, June 21st, there will
be a strong solar eclipse--signifying change, PLUS the Cancer
New Moon--signifying new growth. Imagine for a moment that
with the Summer Solstice and these cosmic occurrences you
will actually find balance, joy, and new growth in your life.
Is this possible?
If so, what shifts are you likely to see, feel and experience in
your life?

months, individually and
collectively. We've faced a
global pandemic – and
everything that has come
up around that. We've lived
life in quarantine. We've
experienced the entire
world shutting down around
Perhaps you've faced illness, the death of someone close to
you, job and/or housing insecurity.
We are continuing to live through uncertainty, and a time that
calls for deep surrender to the present. When we surrender, we
are "relinquishing our demand that the present be something
other than it actually is. We are fostering a willingness to be
present with what is". Surrendering to the present entails
surrendering to our current limitations, both internal and
external. I'm not saying this is easy. It takes practice.
And, we're also living through the dismantling of structures,
systems, and the unconscious biases that perpetuate a culture
of racism.
This is a HUGELY transformative time! No one can predict what
the future will look like. We may be afraid of the unknown. We
may feel hopeful and excited about new possibilities--
possibilities we have yet to imagine.
Even though the Summer Solstice and all the energetic
upheaval we're experiencing tugs at us to take action, to be co-
creative, to go out and play--this is also a powerful time for
going inward and connecting with yourself at a deeper level.
Reflecting on the inner and outer changes brings you into closer
connection with your own vulnerabilities and enables you to
view things from multiple perspectives, helping you on your path
toward well-being, remembering your wholeness and living a
purposeful life. The more I look inside my own being, the more I
notice the many ways my outer world is reflected within me. All
the conflicts, pain, and suffering--the shadows--in the world
today exist within. This realization can be uncomfortable; it can
be empowering.
One key to moving forward with confidence and grace is
gathering the tools and the aid you need to get the most out of
your journey. What’s giving you guidance in THIS
moment? I've noticed that each time I respond to a call in my
life, things start to happen — things that help me, things that
stand in my way, often a mix of both, show up.
In this article, Positive Psychology coach Homaira Kabir offers
three simple ways to connect with the present moment--when
we're longing for the "good old days" when the world felt
It's the longest day of the year. Right now the Sun is at the
height of its power. And so are you. The Summer Solstice is the
perfect time to shine your brightest .
We're only half way through the Great Round & it's already been
a full, intense, wild ride. The Summer Solstice is a powerful time
Pause for a moment & acknowledge how you've already grown
& evolved this year. Pause for a moment & allow yourself to feel
proud of yourself.
Feel proud of all you've accomplished so far this year. Even if it
feels like all you've accomplished is simply surviving.
Surviving is absolutely worth celebrating!
I really encourage you to set some time aside this weekend &
touch in with this powerful seasonal time. (You'll find a
mediation/journaling exercise below.) The most important thing
you can do is to go outside. Breathe in the new energy of
Summer.Take a walk. Watch the clouds drift by. Play in your
garden or someone else's garden. Gardens are filled with hope,
healing, learning and inspiration. They are a place to connect
with the beauty of nature – all things we need now more than
This Co-Creative Mandala, "De-Light-Filled" was co-created
from a photograph of marigold and a painted lady butterfly.
Marigold is also called "herb of the sun" and symbolizes new
beginnings, passion and creativity. The butterfly symbolizes
massive transformation.
Let the Summer Solstice
inspire you to
shine your brightest
be your boldest
radiate and expand
your inner light.
In this simple, yet powerful exercise, I invite you to celebrate the
Summer Solstice and connect with the power of light that
nurtures you.
Give yourself plenty of time without interruptions to dive deeply
into this exercise. Meditate, journal, create and bless your
sacred space.
Make this exercise your own. Invest your time and attention.
Don’t rush.
As you sit quietly in your space, light a candle that welcomes
Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath; just be
with your breath. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out. Take
another deep breath in. Breathe out. Notice the sensations as
you exhale—without judgement. Feel the body breathing. Bring
your body into stillness.
Open your eyes and bring your attention to the mandala; allow
the mandala energy to fill your heart; be with whatever is there.
Invest a few minutes toward allowing the “De-Light-Filled”
energy to flow to and through your body. Imagine that energy
bursting through your crown chakra & extending far into the
Imagine the “De-Light-Filled” energy flowing through you
and down deep into the earth. Imagine it radiating from your
heart and extending out in front of you and behind you. Imagine
the “De-Light-Filled” energy is a radiant ball that encircles
Now, sit with this energy for a few minutes.
What about the mandala captures your attention?
Notice and Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Relax into your body and its quietness. Be with the energy, be
present, listen.
By asking ourselves questions related to what’s happening
seasonally, we can connect with the powerful & unique energy
present in that season and infuse our lives with insight,
inspiration, sacred strength and wisdom.
Now, ask yourself:
- What's changed in my life since the Winter Solstice?
- What challenges have I faced? What did I learn by going through them?
- What do I feel really proud of from the past 6 months? What accomplishments do I want to celebrate?
Do you spend time beating yourself up for the things you don’t
get done?. Take a moment to acknowledge how much you do
accomplish. It’s a lot. You work hard. Pause here and give
yourself a genuine pat on the back. Life is hard. And you do
your best. Which is spectacular. Be nice to yourself. Say thanks.
There’s a lot happening in the world right now that deserves our
attention, but in moments like this, it’s even more important to
reserve some time for slowing down, unwinding, and caring for
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,