Everything good, everything magical, happens between the months of June and August.
Jenny Han
Each month, we share insights, inspiration, and all the ways the
cycles of the Great Mandala uplift you and support your journey
toward Unity.
This month's theme is Oneness.
Since the winter solstice, Earth slowly tilted back toward the
Sun. On June 21st it reached its peak. We're nearly halfway
through the cycle of the Great Mandala and on the heels of
summer solstice.
From ancient times, the coming of summer's light and warmth
has been a time of happiness and celebration. This is the time
to contemplate all that's happened to us individually and
collectively since the winter solstice.
As we move through this summer season, it's the perfect time to
stretch yourself, move your body, and grow towards a lighter,
more conscious self. It's a great time to get outdoors, into your
garden, to feel the earth under your feet, to simply stand in the
sunshine and feel the warmth of the Sun on your skin.
All in all the mid-way point of the cycle of the Great Mandala
along with the energy that comes with the summer season
infuses us with not only hope but possibility, potential, the
mystical, and magical.
Summer is symbolic of personal growth. It is a wonderful time to
nurture your potential as you would nurture a tiny seedling and
let your creative energy express itself. It's also a good time to
consider the bigger picture of your life, your spiritual path, and
the direction you want to stretch and grow into as you
energetically release darkness and embrace the light.
Right now, everything in nature is growing rapidly, opening up
and soaking in as much of the Sun's energy as possible. Our
gardens are beginning to produce in abundance. And the
seasonal energy is encouraging each of us to do the same.
Sometimes it's not easy, and you may have had challenging
times (or been impacted by collective changes and challenges)
over the past few months.
Yet here you are still here, showing up and reading a blog
like this - which means you have hope and a strong desire to
co-create and experience a better way, a better life and a better
world. Thank you.
I wonder what will blossom for you during the summer season?
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more hopeful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank
and welcoming everyone's light. I believe it's essential (and
sometimes challenging) to remember and honor each other's
unique path.
Sometimes I look at the actions of others and find it difficult to
understand what motivates them. I try to lean into the belief that
we're all doing the best we can with the information we currently
Paradoxically, it is only through recognizing and respecting each
other as separate, individual, autonomous human beings that
we can co-create deep and meaningful connections.
So our job is not to judge ourselves or others but to shift the
balance of light in the world by remembering our Wholeness,
and the Wholeness of all beings. And, letting go of the burden
that comes with feeling separate.
Just as in the joke where one fish asks another, “What’s this
water thing I keep hearing about?” we are immersed in Oneness
in every moment we live, often without being aware of it. And
because our senses tell us that we're separate from the other
people and objects around us, our complex brains have trouble
letting go of that perception, even when we say we believe in
Oneness, we don’t realize the immense scope of all that
Oneness implies.
Whenever I touch a flower, I touch the sun and yet I don't get burned. When I touch the flower, I touch a cloud without flying to the sky. When I touch the flower, I touch my consciousness, your consciousness, and the great planet Earth at the same time. This miracle is possible because of insight into the nature of inter-being. If you really touch one flower deeply, you touch the whole cosmos. The cosmos is neither one nor many. When you touch one, you touch many, and when you touch many, you touch one...
Thich Nhat Hanh
Cultivating the Mind of Love
In the late 1960s, the first photographs of Earth taken from
space had a powerful impact on humanity’s perception of the
first shown on television and then in magazines, it was the first
time in our lives that we’d ever felt a deeper connection to
everyone and everything on this beautiful blue planet we were
In the decades since then, this realization has spread and
expanded, as more and more people have experienced
Oneness in various ways, and seen it for what it is— the very
essence of our being, individually and collectively.
Today, Oneness is expressed through many different streams,
religion, philosophy, indigenous traditions, art, and science…
commingling and converging.
Even in the midst of what appears to be the darkest of times, I
hold the belief that we--individually and collectively--are moving
toward bringing darkness to the light.
This is the time to celebrate the "beauty of our diversity and the
unity of our existence", and to join hands to serve humanity’s
collective awakening.
The possibility of living life from the perspective of Oneness
represents a profound shift in humanity’s culture from one of
competition to one of co-creation, compassion, and caring.
Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet.
combines with the light brought by others to dispel the darkness.
Many groups are telling us that when the entire family of
humanity understands that each of our thoughts, choices, and
actions affect us all, we will share an incredible level of
consciousness -- one that puts Oneness above all else and
helps us evolve into the best version of ourselves.
This is a very powerful time to ask yourself: What's meaningful
to me? Where do I want to direct my energy? What work am I
meant to do in my life? And then just pay attention to what is
illuminated for you in the coming weeks--being a beautiful
expression of conscious living in your own way, and assisting in
co-creating a whole new way of living on the planet.
Can you imagine anything more inviting than doing what we
came here to do? Whatever that may be for each of us in our
unique manifestation?
This is the time to fulfill your purpose--remembering your
Wholeness--on Earth. The seasonal energy is supporting you,
providing you with the clarity you need.
Are you willing to open your spirit to the Sun's fiery energy, and
allow it to fuel your own rapid, abundant growth?
Are you willing to love your enemy?
Are you walking the spiritual path or are you just along for the ride?
Arlene Lawrence The Love Project
Shriver's commencement address at Georgetown University:
Corps. He has also been the Chairman of the Special Olympics
for many years. His inspiring, uplifting commencement address
invites us to "love your enemies". He says "I believe it is
the new requirement for citizenship" and reminds us "We can't
heal what we can't love".
He offers four simple daily reminders for transforming the heart
and that support bringing more love into the world:
1. Get out of your head...open to others...Practice everyday
something that opens your heart.
2. Get help...a sign of bravery not a sign of weakness. Make
your motto: Help. Seeking. Skills
3. Take a chance...don't give up on the human spirit.
4. Tell the story...of the surprising gifts you see in others. Post,
write, talk about "love your enemies".
We diminish ourselves and others when we underestimate the
power of love.
Love and belonging are irreducible needs of all women, men, and children. In the absence of love and belonging, there is always suffering. May you love and know that you are deeply lovable.
Brene' Brown
else's actions that they are of the same Earth as you. They are
looking through a lens that's different from yours. Find
compassion, bless them, and move along your day in grace.
When you’re tired and scared, pause for a moment. Sit back a
little. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose,
belly expanding, and slowly release, breathing out through your
lips, belly contracting. Imagine you’re breathing in space; that
your out breath flows into the sky. Besides calming your vagus
nerve, this helps you remember who you really are – loving
awareness. Loving awareness values the innate worth and
dignity of everyone and our capacity for co-creative self-
expression, intimacy, and Oneness.
The Co-Creative Mandala below, "Oneness" is from
photographs of sunflower (symbolizes happiness), a dahlia
(symbolizes empowerment), and a rainbow (symbolizes
transformation) reminds us that remembering our Wholeness
can happen at any moment in life. The living web of sacredness
supports all beings. The summer season represents a time to
reflect on and appreciate the blessings we have received in
seasons past. And, honor our power to choose love, and look
toward transformation and new growth. It's a time to honor and
experience Oneness within and with the world around you and
to let your inner brilliance shine forth at full strength. When we
are grounded in Oneness we are one step closer to
experiencing Unity.
The universe is a multidimensional matrix projection of your soul and each person you meet is a different version of you awakening from the illusion of separation.
Alan Watts
The real power of the practice is the intention you place behind
it. Start your day by setting the intention that you are dedicating
this time to self-care, to remembering Oneness and
awakening to Unity. This practice is a simple method of helping
you to honor Oneness. So with practice, it can be used to
manage stress, promote feelings of well-being and be present,
without conscious effort. With practice, you'll discover that this
inner resource is available to you for increasing periods of time.
Be gentle with yourself as you discover what nurtures and
sustains you.
Before you begin the practice:
Choose what you need to create sacred space: Flowers that
represent summer, candles that represent the fiery summer
energy, incense, and music can help guide your focus.
Invest time toward moving into stillness.
When you are ready, invite any subtle colleagues, allies, your
guides and helpers to join you in your sacred practice. Wait a
moment for that connection and alliance to form.
Next, invest some time for reflecting on the Oneness mandala.
Let you gaze fall softly on the mandala. Use these prompts for
connecting your purpose to the energy of the mandala:
What message does it have for you? What expansive energy do
you want more of in your life? You may choose to reflect on
your vision statement. How will honoring Oneness support
manifesting your vision? How will you nurture the mandala of
your life? How will you practice self-care and self-compassion
by welcoming Oneness into your life? How will you bring more
light into the world?
Now, the Oneness practice:*
I Notice/I Am:
I ran across this practice from Diane Ragsdale who did an
exercise called "I notice / I am" led by two of her Indigenous
colleagues at Banff Centre. I think it is aligns nicely with the
summer energy and remembering Oneness:
1. Sit outside for 20-30 minutes and jot down what you notice--in
nature, all around you, people, animals, etc.. For instance, "I
notice the clear blue sky", "I notice the warmth of the sun." "I
notice a man walking". Read what you've written aloud.
2. Then come indoors review your list and substitute "I am" for
"I notice". For instance "I am the clear, blue sky", "I am the
warmth of the sun", "I am a man walking".
3. Each statement becomes part of your Oneness poem. Read
your poem aloud.
This is an example of my Oneness poem:
I am the chaotic wind blowing every which way.
I am green leaves attached to branches and limbs.
I am the warmth in the air signaling that summer has arrived.
I am bright green grass watered by the rain and warmed by the sun.
I am the tall thick maple tree that endures season after season.
I am the red-tailed hawk crying out, where's my food, where's my food.
I am the child laughing in delight for the joy of playing.
I am a man walking, toward a destination? or for pleasure?
notice" lists to each other. Create a poem that includes each
other's "I am" list. Read your collective poem aloud.
So during the summer season, let’s celebrate our individual and
collective Oneness. Let’s celebrate the courage and
compassion of the collective, and the appreciation of
differences. Whoever and wherever you are, may you be held
in tenderness, may you be safe and protected, may you be well
and at ease, may you be happy.
Wishing you much love, warmth, and light,