This is the moment to ask what kind of world we want to live in. And, this is the moment to own our power to co-create that world. This is the moment to ask "What does love ask from me"?
Tara Brach
Each month, we share insights, inspiration, and all the ways the cycles of the Great Mandala uplift and support you. We draw upon the metaphors and messages of each season to explore and celebrate our individual and collective personal growth journeys.
Life goes in circles...all aspects of life...expansion, contraction, every part is equal, valued, necessary to be in balance...
The seasonal cycles play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. The annual and monthly Co-Creative Mandalas have a vibration that anchors, activates specific qualities, and represents something about the natural world and the energy in the universe at a particular time. The mandalas support aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Great Mandala and enhance our sense of connection--within, with each other, and the world.
This month's mandala is Encouragement.
This Co-Creative Mandala, Encouragement, from a photo of delphinium (symbolizes divine guidance and support) is associated with the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. It reminds us to gift ourselves and others with gentle waves of encouragement. Recognize the inherent worth of all beings and treat yourself and others with the kindness, compassion, love, and acceptance we all deserve. If you're feeling discouraged...encourage others.
Happy Midsummer!
August first marks the seasonal midpoint (Lamas) between summer and fall and is the beginning of the harvest season. Traditionally, this was a time when the first wheat was harvested, and loaves of bread were baked in celebration.
It's also when the sun's heat (record breaking temps all around the globe!) ripens all the fruits and vegetables, symbolizing abundance & fruition.
The natural world energy (and our own) is incredibly high during this time of year, and while it can be intense and even overwhelming, it’s also offers a powerful opportunity for growth & transformation.
What if you could transform the intensity into a source of empowerment & growth?
This is the perfect time to activate the vibration of Encouragement and turn seasonal energy into a source of strength & empowerment; stay grounded and find your anchor amidst the intensity of summer (and all the collective intensity). With the vibration of Encouragement, you have an opportunity to deepen your spiritual practices and enhance your personal growth journey.
At it's root, the word encouragement comes from the word heart. Giving encouragement--to ourselves and each other is an act of love. It feels good to offer encouragement. It's both a selfless act and an act of self-care. That's the heart of encouragement...when we do unto offers kindness and compassion. It shows up when we speak kindly toward ourselves and others; when we offer support; when we act on our natural desire to relieve suffering. Please note: that is distinctly different from "fixing", which starts with the assumption that we aren't whole and complete beings.
For over 20 years, my sweet fella and I hiked trails (mostly in the spring, summer, and fall) all over Colorado in Rocky Mt. National Park, Crested Butte, Steamboat Springs, Grey Rock, Roosevelt National Forest...well, you get the picture. Hiking was part of our connection to each other and to the natural world. I typically had lots of energy and great lung capacity. I'm a "forge ahead, with gusto" (Gemini energy of exploration) kind of hiker. Due to limited lung capacity, he's a "ambling, smell the roses" (Cancer savor the moment energy) kind of hiker. On almost any hike, I typically went out ahead of him, always turning to wave until he was out of sight, lost from view around a bend along the trail. I'd continue hiking for a while, then I'd stop and wait until he caught up. At which point, I'd give him a hug and an "encouragement kiss". Then be off again until the next rest stop. That's been the nature of our relationship, and all life-affirming relationships--giving each other space to travel at our own pace. Offering encouragement to each other along the way.
I always thought those kisses were for his know, the unspoken "oh, it must be challenging for you to hike, so here's my way of supporting your journey" kind of message. I discovered recently that those encouragement kisses were as much for my benefit as for his.
We are hard-wired for connection, for experiencing love --including encouragement--which is love in action. Encouragement begins with the heart of love and caring.
Our nervous systems requires all forms of encouragement for surviving and thriving.
As children and as adults, we need to feel connected to others and know that they are genuinely interested in our well-being. We may not readily admit that empathic connection and acknowledgment are life affirming. Without encouragement we run the risk of experiencing emotional, spiritual, and/or physical dis-ease.
And, also take the brave step toward receiving encouragement, toward allowing youself to be loved, to feel safe knowing that there are those who are willing to love and support you.
It takes courage to be vulnerable enough to be seen, heard, known, connected by allowing others to truly meet us, encourage us, and fully experience our authentic selves.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu