I've missed connecting with you! This is a good time to let you
know that I appreciate you. I'm grateful for your presence--
whether you're nearby or far away. Since the last newsletter, we
had the good fortune of a experiencing a beautiful summer and
a bountiful harvest that we're still enjoying. We have a lot to be
grateful for.
I've noticed that many blogs, posts, and books are talking about
gratitude – the positive effects it has for our lives. November is
National Gratitude Month and today is Thanksgiving in the US.
There are so many ways to practice gratitude, from journals to
lists. Gratitude is a mindfulness practice that brings your
attention into the present. The here and now is the moment in
which you can fully experience joy, love, compassion, and
peace. I wonder if you consistently express it to yourself or
others? What if it's hard to find the gratitude?
This time of year offers an opportunity to bring the power of
gratitude into your life and awaken to the amazing blessings in
and around you. And, it can be challenging. It's that time of year
again when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. We
are physically shifting more deeply inward: spending more &
more time indoors as the days grow darker & colder. In
Colorado we've had record setting snow fall. We're spending
less time out in nature (we don't ski or participate in other winter
sports). For some of us, this time of year can be very
challenging. The fall months are about darkness, and shadows,
and letting things go. It's a time for transitioning from the
outward-focused season of summer, into the season of drawing
our energies inward, focusing more on our inner-lives. Often
when the shorter days come, we have that time of adjustment,
when we don't feel as bright or as grateful as we'd like to.
Remember, the seasonal energy is supporting you, and
encouraging you, to look inside – at your own inner darkness &
shadows. Because right now, at this dark time of year, you can
see into your shadows – you can see things hidden away there
– in ways that you can't during the brighter times of year.
This is the time to embrace death as a part of the growth
process, because new life can't grow without letting the old
things die. Just recently my sweet partner reminded me of that
when we were clearing out the gardens for the winter months
ahead and I was feeling sad that the gardening season was
over--"it's because of this that we'll see all the beauty and
growth next summer." Death is a crucial component of life, and
of growth, a process that should be honored, rather than feared.

bright and beautiful fall leaves, this is
the time to let go and release our old
"belief leaves" to make room for new
growth and life in the spring.
And with all death, there's a process of
grief & mourning that we go through.
Even when a death is ultimately good for us, even when we're
letting bad habits die or challenging old beliefs ... there's still a
grieving process we need to experience. We held onto these
things for a reason & it's sad (and scary) to let them go.
This is the season to do the work of letting things go from our
lives and grieving the things we're releasing – so we can truly
grow & evolve. Beginning with the Winter Solstice in a few
weeks… we'll plant our hopes & dreams for the coming year in
the new space we've co-created.
This season I’m working on letting go of the old, outdated
stories I tell myself, false limiting-beliefs I’ve lived with for years;
stories that aren’t even true. They're not even mine. Other
people planted them in my mind when I was too young to
challenge them. I'm working hard to identify all the ways I hold
myself back. What are the stories I tell myself that keep me
trapped, keep me playing small in my safe, familiar little bubble?
Those stories, those old beliefs were useful for keeping me
safe. Slowly, over time I'm noticing a shift in my energy from
grieving the loss of those beliefs and outdated stories to
gratitude for the ways those beliefs once served me even if they
no longer serve me now.
This Co-Creative Mandala, "Blessings" offers an invitation to
embrace the process of letting go, of grieving the loss of old,
outdated "friends", and welcoming more life affirming, expansive
beliefs. I'm grateful for this opportunity to begin again and live
my best self, embrace all shadows, remember and appreciate
my goodness and the goodness of all beings.
all that I see,
all that I've been and
all that I'll ever be,
is a blessing...
and I'm grateful for it all.
- Nimo Patel & Daniel Nahmod
Fall has always been considered as a time for introspection and
letting go; of going inward and honoring the shadows; of
embracing the cycle of death. If changes need to be made in
your life, this exercise is going to set that in motion. It’s
designed to help you honor what is and leave behind whatever
doesn’t serve you, grieve the loss, and experience gratitude for
all parts of yourself.
Give yourself plenty of time to dive deeply into this exercise.
Meditate, journal, create your sacred space for doing this
exercise throughout the spring season. Come back to this
exercise as often as you like. Make it your own.
Find a quiet place, without interruptions. Light two candles, one
for that part of you that is holding on and one for that part of you
that is letting go.
Invest your time and attention. Don’t rush. Close your eyes.
Take several deep breaths.
Open your eyes and focus on the mandala. Invest a
few minutes toward feeling the “Blessings” energy traveling
through your body & all your chakras. Imagine that energy
bursting through your crown chakra & extending far into the
heavens. Now, feel the “Blessings” energy entering your
body through your crown chakra. Sit with this energy for a few
minutes, feel yourself connected to the mandala energy.
What about the mandala captures your attention? Notice and
Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Begin asking yourself the following questions; acknowledge
whatever is holding you and holding you back. This helps train
your brain to cultivate gratitude for the blessings in your life.
1. What am I being invited to let go of?
2. What has stopped me from releasing this?
3. How is this influencing my life?
4. What is something I can do to begin letting this go?
The cycle of death has begun. This is the season of
death and release. Right now, these energies are combining to
make this a time of grieving and gratitude. In order to make this
change a reality, first appreciate what is. Then cultivate the
power of blessings. Believe that by honoring your grief for all
that you're letting go of you are supporting your growth and
You may have difficulty with this process. I know when I first
started intentionally shifting my attention to the cycle of death,
I thought I was focusing on the negative and wasn't being
spiritual.. That seems odd to me now, but I was invested in the
limiting beliefs that come from resisting what is. I think I was
afraid to let go and honor grief as a pathway to gratitude. I invite
you to be gentle with yourself and trust the process. You've
been living with these beliefs for a lifetime; they've protected you
and kept you safe. It's important to acknowledge and honor this.
One energy modality that I've found to be gentle and effective
for working with limiting beliefs is EFT/Tapping. By tapping on
meridian accupoints, EFT-Tapping sends a signal to the energy
system that you are safe. It's a very effective technique for
clearing our energy system of the disruptions that happened
when the experiences we had created the limiting beliefs.
When we feel safe, we can see our human experience through
a compassionate and optimistic lens.
I offer 30-minute complimentary EFT/Tapping Sessions. This is
a perfect way to begin exploring and releasing limiting beliefs as
you move toward a life of Eternal Optimism.
Peace and Joy to your seeking heart,