Let's do our best to meet each moment with sincere and joyful intention.
Each month, we share insights, inspiration, and all the ways the cycles of the Great Mandala uplift and support you. We draw upon the metaphors and messages of each season to explore and celebrate our individual and collective personal growth journeys.
Life goes in circles...all aspects of life...expansion, contraction, every part is equal, valued, necessary to be in balance...
The seasonal cycles play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. The annual and monthly Co-Creative Mandalas have a vibration that anchors, activates specific qualities, and represents something about the natural world and the energy in the universe at a particular time. The mandalas support aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Great Mandala and enhance our sense of connection--within, with each other, and the world.
This month's mandala is Intention.
This Co-Creative Mandala, Intention, from a photo of ice (symbolizes potential) snow (symbolizes calmness), blue sky (symbolizes freedom), and pine (symbolizes renewal) is associated with the solar plexus, heart, throat, and crown chakras. It reminds you that you are a co-creator with the Universe. When you set an intention from a place of alignment with Wisdom...you listen to your soul’s deepest calling, make a vow to honor that calling, and create a foundation for a fulfilling and vibrant year. This is the time to silence the noise of limiting beliefs and take inspired action for living your life purpose. It invites you to step into alignment with your most expansive self, listen to the voice of your intuition, and discover your life’s direction, forge your own authentic path, and activate the miracle of what makes you, you.
But first...
I can't find the adequate words, but my heart is so heavy as I think about the suffering all around the globe and on the planet. Like many of us, I send healing energy and prayers for safety and healing of all beings directly and indirectly affected by these challenges. I "look for the helpers" and offer gratitude to all those who are giving their time, talents, and resources directly to the people and places in need. I hold the belief that our thoughts, prayers, and intentions are powerful.
Our individual and collective intentions can contribute to shifting the energy from constriction to expansion. Yes, there is a lot of suffering...which can be overwhelming and leave me feeling helpless. I can also do something to make a difference...even if I can't directly effect the larger suffering. I can let go of judgement...I can surrender...I can reaffirm my commitment to my personal growth, to extending kindness and compassion. I believe these thoughts, words, prayers, and actions will reverberate out from my heart to those closest to me, to my community, to the world as a reminder that anything is possible and miracles are happening right now.
As we take the time in January to reset, Co-Creative Mandalas guide us do just that. Rooted in the sacred, our Wholeness, and vibrations of expansive energy, this way of focusing attention nourishes your whole being--mind, and spirit in the most amazing ways! It’s the perfect time to set intentions for how you want to feel, where you want to grow, deepen your relationships, and dream big for the year ahead.
The New Year is a blank canvas that invites us to pause, reflect, and align with Wisdom, with what truly matters, and with our life purpose. Between January and March we have the perfect time to set clear intentions, nurture the "soil" of our soul's purpose as we plant seeds of inspiration, and welcome the feelings that will carry us through the year ahead.
How are you feeling, now that we’re in 2025? Does it feel a bit overwhelming? Confusing? Not quite sure what’s the best thing to do, or what you want to aim for?
The beginning of the year energy may feel exciting and overwhelming, present and disconnected. It's so important to get grounded in your own container...where you're focused energetically. As you continue moving into the New Year, I invite you to honor your true rhythm this time of year, no matter what your brain is trying to get you on board with, i.e., resolutions, vision boards, intentions...all those beginning of the year actions. Use all your tools, your inner and outer resources including breath work, EFT-Tapping, Yoga, journaling, and oracle cards for guidance and inspiration.
This is such a powerful time to set your intentions for how you want to feel in the year to come.
What intentions are you setting for 2025?
One of the hardest decisions we can face is choosing between what we think we should do and what our heart is calling us to do. Our mind might overwhelm us with self-doubt and overthinking, but when we honor our inner knowing--our wisdom, and align with our soul path, it can lead to a life of incredible purpose and fulfillment.
Sometimes we get so focused on trying to decide what we want to attract in our life that we forget how we want to feel. Particularly at this time of year. And then we start to tell our selves the old stories that keep us stuck.
When we focus on the feelings we want, things become simple.
What if we could start 2025, by focusing on the feelings we want to attract more of into life? After all, all the physical manifestations we want to attract are because we think they'll help us to feel the way we want to feel.
What if we could do this the other way around? Decide what feelings we want and then clear anything that stops us feeling that way?
When we use our feelings as our guide, when we're in alignment with Wisdom, we’re on track, we’re in balance, in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. As a bonus, that helps us attract the physical things we’d like, too.
It's like taking a short cut, feelings first, will put us in a more expansive vibration and align us with Wisdom. Both will help us to manifest the things we'd like to experience and have.
I invite you to pause and reflect on a question:
How do you want to feel in the year ahead?
Consider a state of being you’d like to cultivate. Maybe you want to feel hopeful, connected, or inspired. Or perhaps at ease or enough. For me, my focus is, inspired by the Co-Creative Mandalas 2025 journey around the Great Mandala, Alignment with Wisdom, and all the feelings that support that alignment.
While our first thoughts might relate to our personal life, this feeling can also guide how we connect with our family, friends, community, and the world. It can shape our actions, mindset, and the environments in which we place our self.
As you consider how you want to feel this year, I invite you to ask yourself:
How can my actions—both personal and collective—nurture this feeling?
What environments could make it a little easier to access this state?
What connections could help facilitate this feeling?