Identifying the cause of suffering takes stillness
and a reflective mind.
Byron Katie

an orienting force for the year ahead. Usually, that word is a
positive vibration for who you want to become, such as
“intentional,” “purposeful,” “kind,” “compassionate,” etc. At Co-
Creative Mandalas we invest our attention and our intention
toward allowing the vibration of each mandala to have a voice.
As many of you know, the mandalas we co-create arise from
intuition and as they are created, their individual vibration
emerges for each month and collectively point us toward the
vibration for the complete yearly cycle. The vibration of
‘Oneness’ chose us for the 2021 cycle of the Grand Mandala.
After all the changes and challenges to our personal,
professional, and spiritual lives that came with 2020, ‘Oneness’
seems very appropriate. What is your vibration for 2021? Why
did you choose that vibration?
In January, we welcomed the vibration of ‘Silence’; be still
and listen, quiet the mind, trust nature’s process working
through us. So, a quick is your ‘Silence’
practice going so far?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being--I’m fully in my body, fully
energized, focused and firing on all cylinders-- where are you
right now? If you’re not 10 out of 10 then, where's the rest of
Or maybe you notice that you have more moments of ‘Silence’
than before....and if so, can you see that as a small shift?!! Cuz
it is!!!
And if you haven't gotten into the habit yet of tapping into
‘Silence’...that's okay, too! If creating new habits was easy then
you would make a decision and – VIOLA!! - it would be done!
But we all know that doesn't happen easily!
Until that day comes be gentle with yourself, set up reminders to
be still and listen, take a breath, notice the things that hijack
your well-being and the things that help you grow. Put a sticky
note on your bathroom mirror or set up notifications on your
phone to remind you to BREATHE. Do whatever it takes until it's
a habit.
For February, we welcomed the vibration of ‘Reflection’. I love
the multiple meanings of 'Reflection':
- The act of self-evaluation, the inner process of understanding yourself and your Self and becoming more conscious of who you are, your values, your hopes, your dreams, your thoughts, feelings, and results of your actions.
- Clearing your mind so, like a polished mirror, it reveals your true nature and the consequences of actions that both hinder and promote growth.
- Seeing the world as you are, your mind is the source of what you see “out there”.
Reflection is a path of self-empowerment. It’s a journey through
which we take responsibility for how we think and act, and
discover deeper insights regarding what we do and do not want
in our lives.
Spiritual reflection is any form of personal spiritual practice –
mental reflection, inner stillness -silence, and deep listening
practices. It is the recollection, the practice of, the continual
awareness of 'Oneness'.
You know if you're deeply listening in an inner-connected way
when you:
- Love your whole self, including the layers of yourself that you see as flawed.
- Pay attention to your experience in a different way–without anticipation or judgment–to gain a new perspective.
- Understand that “love’s not a feeling, it’s an ability” (Steve Carroll from “Dan in Real Live”) and it takes practice.
- Reflect on the love others have given you, and how it has shaped your life
You likely already incorporate ‘Reflection’ practices in your life
that support deep listening and connection to ‘Oneness’
including meditation, Yoga, breath-work, journalling, and the
many energy modalities. Michael Gross, author of The
Wingman’s Guide to Positivity,offers simple practices that
use our minds and inner-resources to live the life of our
choosing.These “just a minute a day” mindset changes are
easily incorporated into your daily routine:
- Eliminate the shoulds, shouldn'ts, can'ts, don'ts
- Celebrate others' joy, good fortune, happiness
- Congratulate yourself, give yourself a gold star
- If you're hanging on by a thread, love the thread
- "A day without laughter is a wasted day." Charlie Chaplin
Bottom line, catch the negative thoughts before you go down
the rabbit hole. Allow the feelings to come up so they can
dissolve. When you're in a place of uncertainty, doubt or, fear,
here's a tool you can try for turning toward ‘Oneness’:
Come up with a mantra, an affirmation, you can say to yourself
every time you become aware that you’re traveling down the
rabbit hole. Saying the mantra will stop negative thoughts in
their tracks.
My mantra is "may I know peace". Feel free to use it too or say
something that resonates more with you. A phrase that shifts
your attention toward your desired feeling and stops the story
you're telling yourself, and reminds you of ‘Oneness’.
This is the time to reflect on the ways that the changing season
effects us, our attitudes, our energy, and our focus. On
February 1st, we reached the mid-point between winter and
spring. At the time I thought, “only half way through winter?!”
Now, there are just twenty days until the first day of spring. This
is an important time for treating yourself with great love and
compassion, to deeply nurture yourself, and to spend some
lovely reflection time just being in the gentle calm and stillness.
And, for connecting with nature’s “emerging design”.
up? Even though it may still be quite cold (at least where I am in
Colorado), you may start to see glimmers of nature waking up.
The old maple tree out front is starting to bud and the grape
hyacinth are poking their bright green leaves out of the ground.
What shifts are you noticing? Are there any signs of new life
sprouting outside where you live?
Do you see any signs of new beginnings stirring in your own
Spring is coming, and bringing new life & new beginnings. But in
order to begin something new, something has to change. To
change, you have to leave behind what is safe & comfortable.
You have to gently nudge yourself to grow in new ways.
Following nature’s lead, this is the time to allow inspiration to stir
within you; a call to allow your inner transformations to come
forth so you can grow into the highest and best version of
yourself in 2021. Danu Forest says it best here.
To call in inspiration is to begin to see our life infused with spirit, to discover a new or renewed vision for greater creativity on all levels. To call in healing is to resolve the things that hold us back or limit our potential. We all have parts of our lives and bodies that need healing, and to give this aspect of ourselves a boost at this time of the year sets us up for a more empowered and happier future.
Danu Forest, The Magical Year
humanity with your message and your offerings and your
presence. Are you feeling the change that has already begun for
2021? History is being made right here and right now.
There is only question to ask yourself...“What is my part in
it? ”What do I choose to do to co-create a new beginning for a
better future for myself and for the world"?
One of our individual and collective spiritual tasks over winter is
to integrate everything we learned during the past year. That's
one of the main reasons for winter's rest; to reflect on and
absorb the wisdom from all our experiences in 2020. This Co-
Creative Mandala--'Reflection' from a photo of violas (they are
just emerging) reminds us to invest the time necessary for self-
reflection on the past as we move toward the future.
Inner and outer energy are rising. Just like everything in nature, you have a unique pattern of wholeness.
Reflect on this awareness
and allow your full potential to emerge.
In this simple, yet powerful exercise, I invite you to celebrate
Reflection and feel supported by your inner and outer
resources. Honor this powerful time of rest, rejuvenation, and
This is a special opportunity to reflect on the emerging energy,
within you and as it's reflected in nature. Spring isn't quite here,
and yet, there are signs of what is on the horizon. We have a
few days before the first day of spring, so it's important to invest
this time toward letting go of anything that is holding us back
and open ourselves to our emerging potential.
Give yourself plenty of time without interruptions to dive
deeply into this exercise. Meditate, journal, create and bless
your sacred space.
Make this exercise your own. Invest your time and attention.
Don’t rush.
As you sit quietly in your space, light a candle that welcomes
In a moment, when you are done reading through the
instructions, write everything that the Co-Creative
Mandala-'Reflection' makes you think of. Write how you feel
when you look at it. Write about what the associated chakras
represent (solar plexus, heart, and crown) and how that might
be applicable to your journey toward Oneness this year.
Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath; just be
with your breath. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out. Take
another deep breath in. Breathe out. Notice the sensations as
you exhale—without judgement. Feel the body breathing. Bring
your body into stillness.
Open your eyes and bring your attention to the 'Reflection'
mandala; allow the mandala energy to fill your heart; be with
whatever is there.
Invest a few minutes toward allowing the 'Reflection' energy to
flow to and through your body. Imagine that energy bursting
through your crown chakra and extending far into the heavens.
Imagine the 'Reflection' energy flowing through you and down
deep into the earth. Imagine it radiating from your heart and
extending out in front of you and behind you. Imagine the
'Reflection' energy is a radiant ball that encircles you.
Now, sit with this energy for a few minutes.
What about the 'Reflection' mandala captures your attention?
Notice and Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Relax into your body and its quietness. Be with the energy, be
present, listen.
Here's the ritual:
1. Take out a piece of paper and answer this question:
What challenges did I face last year?
2. Then thank all the items on the list for having been with
3. Next, answer this question:
What lessons did I learn from those challenges?
4. Next, answer this question:
What wisdom did I gather during my inward journey this
5. Now write down and speak out loud the word, the vibration
you choose as you move into spring. Why did you choose this
As you reflect on the end of winter's rest, appreciate the
cycles of nature. This is the time to feel the inspiration and
potential rising within. What will this emerging energy bring for
you, for all beings, for the planet?
Is this the year you decided to remember your 'Oneness'?
Thank you for being on this journey. And for continuing to give
the world the gift of your best self.
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,