Honor the beauty and power of darkness while turning toward and cultivating light.
Each month, we share insights, inspiration, and all the ways the cycles of the Great Mandala uplift and support you. We draw upon the metaphors and messages of each season to explore and celebrate our individual and collective personal growth journeys.
Life goes in circles...all aspects of life...expansion, contraction, every part is equal, valued, necessary to be in balance...
The seasonal cycles play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. The annual and monthly Co-Creative Mandalas have a vibration that anchors, activates specific qualities, and represents something about the natural world and the energy in the universe at a particular time. The mandalas support aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Great Mandala and enhance our sense of connection--within, with each other, and the world.
This month's mandala is Loving-kindness.
This Co-Creative Mandala, "Loving-kindness", from a photograph of snow (symbolizes a fresh start), blue sky (symbolizes hope), pine (symbolizes peace), and blue spruce (symbolizes light) is associated with the heart, throat, and crown chakras. It reminds us that, even in dark times, we can experience a fearless open heart that connects us to the best in ourselves and others. Loving-kindness is a gift that connects us with our Wholeness, with the light, while also connecting us with other people. When we cultivate feelings of compassion, warmth, and connection toward ourselves and all beings we feel a sense of goodwill toward all forms of life across the cosmos, including ourselves.
Welcome to Winter! The Season of Resting and Dreaming begins today.
The winter solstice marks the day in our journey around the Great Mandala when the sun slowly begins to return to the Northern Hemisphere. The winter solstice marks the depth of quiet and solitude in nature’s calendar. The shortest day of the year brings us the most darkness and also a beginning of the return to the light. Yet for a while, this will remain the coldest, darkest time of the year. But slowly and surely, the days will get incrementally longer. The light will return to the skies, and to our lives.
The ancients used to wonder: Will Earth grow darker and colder until only darkness remains? But on December 21, also known as Yule, the Sun ceases its decline and for a few days appears to rise in the same place. Solstice means to ‘stand still’ in Latin– as the sun seems to stand still, waiting to be reborn.
This is a beautiful time to connect with the stillness and light within you, to reflect on the year just passed, and to imagine what the light of the new year holds in store for you. You can dream peacefully knowing that deep within Earth and within your heart, something beautiful rests and is nurtured… waiting to be born in the spring.
Across the globe, the period between November and February is rich with traditions that invite us to honor the light and the darkness, the sacred, the communal, and the joyful. From Diwali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Lunar New Year, to quieter observances like winter solstice, this season holds space for light, renewal, and togetherness.
While for many of us, this time of year is a time of celebration for others it can also come with stress, unmet expectations, and moments of tension. The darkness, combined with the hustle and bustle and the weight of tradition that sometimes comes with the holidays can leave little room for reflection or kindness toward ourselves and others. This is why I want to share a gentle reminder: We're not only celebrating outwardly but also inwardly. Let’s approach this season with an intention to slow down and offer loving-kindness to ourselves and others.
Winter solstice comes at a perfect time to regroup and prepare to begin again. It’s a time to reconnect with our deepest self, with family and community, and to spread love, and share our highest gifts with the world. It’s our opportunity to serve as beacons of light — focusing on the light and the goodness of humanity.
As I contemplated what would be a fitting offering for this winter solstice, the holiday season, and the end of the year, loving-kindness came strongly to mind, especially given the upheaval around the world. I believe that's why we're here...to bring the vibration of loving-kindness to ourselves, to others, and to the world. When we intentionally extend loving-kindness...the world around us rises up to meet us there.
The ancient Buddhist practice of loving-kindness (Metta) begins with extending loving-kindness to yourself, then to someone you care for, then to someone with whom you have difficulty connecting, then to the world--to all beings, seen and unseen, across the universe. Simply sit quietly, gather your energy, put hand over your heart and say the following phrase for each person:
May I/you/we be healthy, well, at ease, light, happy, peaceful, strong, safe.