Mostly D's: You feel unworthy or undeserving
Do you doubt people when they tell you that you are beautiful, wonderful, amazing? Do you
work hard to prove that you deserve money, love, success...but no matter how successful you
are you don't believe you deserve it? Do you push away genuine love? Do you think that they
must be weird if they love you? Is it hard for you to honor yourself? Do you hold on to what you
have, because nothing better is going to show up? Do you think you have give to people so
they'll want to be around you? Is it hard for you to allow money, love, health to flow easily? You
tell yourself that you have bad karma, or you're not spiritual enough and it's your fault?
Feeling unlovable or unworthy is not your fault. You were trained to think it's safer to feel
unworthy, unlovable, undeserving, not good enough. It was safer for your parents to validate the
unworthiness, because that's what they were taught and what got validated in them. You
deserve to know how beautiful you are! Self-judgment doesn't serve you. Somewhere
you were taught that if you judged yourself, then you won't make that mistake again. Co-
Creative EFT is a down to earth, gentle, and effective self-help tool that immerses you in the
principles of self-acceptance and how loving and accepting yourself can expand your life to its
healthiest, happiest, and fullest potential. This tool is a simple to learn, profound practice that
shifts your vibration from judgment to acceptance--from resistance to expansion. Love is not
outside of are love!! You are the miracle...that walks through the are a gift
that shifts everything around you. The journey into self-acceptance transforms your entire life.
Check it out to learn more:
*Editor’s Note: This quiz is not intended to be a scientific or medical prescription, it is just to
point you in the right direction. Consult with your health care provider for your specific needs.
point you in the right direction. Consult with your health care provider for your specific needs.