Quiz: What is Your #1 Block to Loving & Accepting Yourself?
I'm excited to support you on your journey toward experiencing outrageous joy. Take this quiz
to find out your # 1 Block to Experiencing Self-Acceptance. Please choose the response
that most closely aligns with how you feel, and tally your responses when you complete the
quiz. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
to find out your # 1 Block to Experiencing Self-Acceptance. Please choose the response
that most closely aligns with how you feel, and tally your responses when you complete the
quiz. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
Question #1: If you have a disagreement with someone, how do you
A. I let it go, accept that we can agree to disagree, and move on.
B. I don't have a problem with expressing my opinion, but I worry about the way I expressed
myself and how the other person feels about me.
C. I avoid disagreements at all cost.
D. I tell myself that it was my fault we had the disagreement, and apologize to the other
Question #2: When you’re at a party or other social functions, or in
meetings or other groups, or are in front of an audience how do you feel?
A. I feel at home, it feels natural and easy--just like breathing.
B. I wonder what people think about me, and wonder if I'm saying and doing the right things. I
check for cues from people around me.
C. Are you kidding me?! I avoid situations like this at all cost.
D. I TRY to show up, be myself, act natural, feel comfortable, but I feel like there's something
stopping me from being myself.
Question #3: When someone gives you a gift or wants to treat you to lunch,
what do you do?
A. I thank them, celebrate, and appreciate the opportunity to receive.
B. I thank them repeatedly and make sure I let them know how much the gift means to me.
C. I thank them and wonder what strings are attached.
D. I say "oh, you shouldn't have", I thank them, and I know I'm definitely reciprocating.
Question #4: When someone tells you that you’re amazing, awesome, brilliant,
or beautiful, how do you respond?
A. Accept the compliment and say "Thank you".
B. I immediately compliment the person.
C. I wonder what their motive is and what they want in return.
D. Point out my faults, and all the reasons I'm not...amazing, awesome, brilliant, or beautiful.
Question #5: Do you find fault with yourself, your body, or other people?
A. I rarely think anything negative about myself or others.
B. I keep judgments to myself and make sure that other people hear something positive
from me.
C. I can't look in the mirror without judging myself--it's better to judge myself before someone
else does.
D. Of course! I'm to blame for the way I look and for how other people treat me.
Question #6: How does it feel when you enter into a new relationship, or
meet someone for the first time?
A. Easy! My heart is open to more and more love!
B. I ask them lots of questions so I can get to know what they like and dislike.
C. It's extremely difficult to open my heart and let anyone in.
D. I'm suspicious of new relationships and wonder why they would want to be in a relationship
with me.
Questions #7: If you want a raise or to tell your clients your fees, what do you
A. I ask without feeling self-conscious or I tell my clients without hesitation what my fees are.
B. I make sure that I work really hard for a raise or to be paid for my services.
C. I worry about how other people will respond if I get a raise or what clients think about the fee
I'm charging.
D. I think other people deserve raises or to be paid well for their services more than I do.
Tally the number of answers you gave for each letter. Click on a link below for
information about your #1 Block to Self-Acceptance.
A. I let it go, accept that we can agree to disagree, and move on.
B. I don't have a problem with expressing my opinion, but I worry about the way I expressed
myself and how the other person feels about me.
C. I avoid disagreements at all cost.
D. I tell myself that it was my fault we had the disagreement, and apologize to the other
Question #2: When you’re at a party or other social functions, or in
meetings or other groups, or are in front of an audience how do you feel?
A. I feel at home, it feels natural and easy--just like breathing.
B. I wonder what people think about me, and wonder if I'm saying and doing the right things. I
check for cues from people around me.
C. Are you kidding me?! I avoid situations like this at all cost.
D. I TRY to show up, be myself, act natural, feel comfortable, but I feel like there's something
stopping me from being myself.
Question #3: When someone gives you a gift or wants to treat you to lunch,
what do you do?
A. I thank them, celebrate, and appreciate the opportunity to receive.
B. I thank them repeatedly and make sure I let them know how much the gift means to me.
C. I thank them and wonder what strings are attached.
D. I say "oh, you shouldn't have", I thank them, and I know I'm definitely reciprocating.
Question #4: When someone tells you that you’re amazing, awesome, brilliant,
or beautiful, how do you respond?
A. Accept the compliment and say "Thank you".
B. I immediately compliment the person.
C. I wonder what their motive is and what they want in return.
D. Point out my faults, and all the reasons I'm not...amazing, awesome, brilliant, or beautiful.
Question #5: Do you find fault with yourself, your body, or other people?
A. I rarely think anything negative about myself or others.
B. I keep judgments to myself and make sure that other people hear something positive
from me.
C. I can't look in the mirror without judging myself--it's better to judge myself before someone
else does.
D. Of course! I'm to blame for the way I look and for how other people treat me.
Question #6: How does it feel when you enter into a new relationship, or
meet someone for the first time?
A. Easy! My heart is open to more and more love!
B. I ask them lots of questions so I can get to know what they like and dislike.
C. It's extremely difficult to open my heart and let anyone in.
D. I'm suspicious of new relationships and wonder why they would want to be in a relationship
with me.
Questions #7: If you want a raise or to tell your clients your fees, what do you
A. I ask without feeling self-conscious or I tell my clients without hesitation what my fees are.
B. I make sure that I work really hard for a raise or to be paid for my services.
C. I worry about how other people will respond if I get a raise or what clients think about the fee
I'm charging.
D. I think other people deserve raises or to be paid well for their services more than I do.
Tally the number of answers you gave for each letter. Click on a link below for
information about your #1 Block to Self-Acceptance.