Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus
3, 2, 1 … POOF! It's September already...can you believe that
we've traveled along the pathway toward Oneness for eight
months already?!
Just like that, summer is over--at least "on paper". It still feels
like summer even though the calendar says otherwise.
Get ready to enjoy crisp morning air, the crunch of fallen leaves,
and all things comfy. Many of you may already be experiencing
the cool mornings and have noticed that some of the leaves are
beginning to turn yellow, crimson, and orange.
For the second time this year, there's a balance between light
and darkness. At the Vernal Equinox in March, the cycle of life
turned toward increasing light. Now, the Autumnal Equinox
brings a return of increased darkness.
It’s the season for harvesting and now is your opportunity to
gather and savor the fruits of your hard work and creativity. For
appreciating all that you've accomplished over the past few
months. For feeling proud of yourself for facing the changes and
challenges that shape your current reality with grace.
We tend to acknowledge the changing season without
understanding that we, too, are in transition, are being
If you’ve been bumping up against old patterns, negative
thinking, fears, worries or even grief, guilt or shame, you may
realize that the energy many of us have experienced over the
past few months was all about transformation.
This energy that surrounded us may have brought up fears and
other deep past issues within ourselves; challenges for us to
deal with that we have not dealt with or have experienced for
decades. Now, more than ever, is the time to practice self-
compassion, self-acceptance, and self-love.
How did you fare as you moved through the waves of
transformational energy?
The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.
Albert Einstein
happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the
right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to
like it…. It’s just easier if you do.”
You have an opportunity to soothe your heart and strengthen
your relationships, starting with yourself, your loved ones and
friends. You have the ability to fully trust in life, and the universe.
This is a good and safe time to come into alignment with love.
As you move into alignment with your sacred life, shifts happen
– for yourself, for your family, your loved ones….and in ripples
for the world. Life has been rather rough over the last year–no
surprise–so use this time to restore your energy and get in the
mind, body, and spirit recuperation you truly need.
As you connect to source or spirit you become the very best
version of yourself, living your most authentic, passionate and
joyful life. And sharing that love and light vibration with others.
This is an amazing personal journey of transformation, starting
as all journeys do . . . with you.
Equinox energy is here right now. It is all around you and within
you, offering you the rich gift of balance and joy. When I watch
the energy of the earth, the most striking difference when we
come into the equinox times is that there is a stillness that
settles. Like a pause. A time for balance. It hangs in the air and
sits on the grass like gentle mist, touching all of the earth and
her inhabitants with a gentle invitation to pause, balance and
feel the stillness.
As the cooler, shorter days become more frequent, I encourage
you to spend some time thinking about and reflecting on what
you want the final quarter of 2021 to look like for you. With all
the shifts and changes you might not have gotten to scale as
many rungs as you hoped when 2021 first started, but that
doesn’t mean you can’t still make progress.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've likely noticed
that I like to use the change of seasons as an opportunity to
pause and reflect. Nature is always showing you how to bring
yourself into alignment with–a new life, your true nature, with
your Wholeness.
When we look closely at the energy present in each season &
what’s happening in nature, we begin to see the Earth supports
our personal growth work.
Whether you consider yourself a “nature person” or not, we are
all connected to the Earth. We are part of the sacred web of life.
We are all living, growing things on the Earth. We are affected
by the forces & energy in nature–just like trees, just like the
gardens, just like all the animals.
When changes occur in nature, they resonate within our spirit.
The season is changing. The energy is changing. And there are
ways your spirit wants to stretch & grow in response to that. (Or
release & turn inward, as the case may be.)
Autumn is the perfect time to reflect on your life and any growth
& changes you’ve gone through over the year so far.
These are some really powerful questions to ask yourself this
time of year. Use them as journal prompts throughout Autumn.
Count Your Blessings
Summer was a time of abundance, growth, and play. It's
important to acknowledge all you're grateful for.
Reflect on the blessings you’ve received this year.
- What abundance did you experience this year?
- What blessings have you received?
Acknowledge Your Efforts
It's important to appreciate your triumphs and all the hard work
you've invested in your personal growth.
Reflect on your personal harvests.
- What are the things in your life and within yourself that you’ve been tending and nurturing?
- What are some accomplishments that you’re proud of?
Prepare to let go
In Autumn we are drawn to the balance between life and death.
Everything is dying all around us. And that death is necessary,
in order for new life to grow in the spring.
That’s true for the trees and the flowers, and its true for you as
well. In order to experience new growth, we need to let go of our
old leaves–old patterns and habits that no longer serve us.
The transformations undergone by living beings seem much
more like endings than the transitions they really are. Dormancy,
not death, is the hallmark of fall. This dormancy allows for new
growth in the spring.
- What are you ready to let go of?
- What do you need to shed in order for new life to grow?
This Co-Creative Mandala, "Alignment" from a photo of a dahlia
(symbolizes balance) reminds us when changes and challenges
happen, align your mind, body, and spirit with your true nature--
your Wholeness. Prioritize it every day, in whatever way feels
best to you and feels doable. This will help keep you grounded
and help you remember your connection to all things. How you
experience each and every thing in life is determined by how
connected or disconnected you are, how aligned or misaligned.
Aligning with your Wholeness means letting go of all thoughts, beliefs, and things
that no longer serve you.
In this simple, yet powerful exercise, I invite you to celebrate
"Alignment" and feel supported by your inner and outer
resources. Honor this powerful time of transition.
Autumn has arrived. The days are shortening, the leaves are
changing colors. There's a feeling of change, transition, and
transformation in the air. This is a time for reflection, for a
harvesting all the fruits of your labors, for feeling proud of
yourself for all your accomplishments, and for letting go.
Noticing the inner and outer effects of seasonal changes tunes
in to your inner wisdom and your "essential rhythm".
If you have been feeling that inner calling to shift your vibration
and step into harmony and alignment with who you really are
and are ready to allow yourself more joy, peace, contentment,
love and happiness in your everyday life, then I highly
encourage you to do the following alignment exercise as often
as you like.
Perhaps the most crucial self-care practice for our times is to
tap into our heart’s guidance—to bring us peace in a polarizing
world, to bring us into alignment with our true nature. That is
where we notice and feel our support systems helping us
connect with the love that always surrounds us. Then, our sense
of separation begins to fade and we can begin to see each other
as connected through the great Oneness of who we truly are.
Here's the exercise:
Take a moment to follow your breath, into your body. Feel the
flow of prana, fresh life energy, as it fills your lungs and flows
down your whole body.
Notice the sensations that are present and just keep
breathing, effortlessly, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no
one to be. Enjoy the breath as it flows in and out of your body,
noticing, perhaps, relative places of stuckness and places of
Let your eyes rest on the "Alignment" mandala. Note the
colors, the texture, the image. What do you notice in your body
when you look at the mandala. Just be with the mandala.
Take a moment now to focus on your heart, both the front and
back of your heart. Invite any ancestors, guides, or support
systems to connect with you at this time.
Take a few moments, allowing for the flow of energy to come
through the back and front of the heart, and rest in the energy of
this support for a few moments. Let your sense of Spirit flow
through your entire body, receiving it with openness, perhaps
even a sense of awe for this beautiful and instantaneous
Close with gratitude, for those who chose to be with you at
this time, and for yourself for giving time for your practice.
During this time of transition and transformation invest time for
yourself, move and shift your energy with Alignment practices
Allow new possibilities to come into your reality to remind you of
your Wholeness.