If we surrendered to earth's intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
bring awareness to Earth and nature. Even though we have
different beliefs, cultures, and nationalities--we're all in this
together on Earth. It’s a perfect time to reflect on the
interdependent relationship between caring for the planet and
caring for ourselves. So let's pause and celebrate this beautiful,
blue marble! Let's expand our love for each other and
ourselves, raise our vibration, increase our capacity to live in
balance and harmony. This is our gift to Earth. Check out this
event sponsored by the Institute for HeartMath
Earth Day Special Focus: Celebrating Our Earth.
I've been thinking a lot lately about earth's intelligence and how
the relationship I have with my body is a reflection of my
relationship with Earth. One aspect that I've come to
appreciate is knowing that when I explore my inner landscape, I
also deepen my connection to Earth.
Having been on a journey of exploring my inner landscape for
decades, I often (these days, more often than not) come back to
the realization that each daily practice, each conscious decision
to gently and lovingly regenerate my body by reconnecting with
its intuitive ways of being, I naturally experience the restorative
rhythms of nature. And, the energetic shifts I make extend
healing to Earth. This is a process that includes curiosity and
deep listening.
So, how are the body and Earth interconnected?
Like the human body, Earth has a natural intelligence. After an
injury, and given time, both heal themselves. It's no secret that
we co-create the natural and social web of life that supports and
sustains us and Earth. We are connected to nature and
dependent on it for the things we need to keep us alive. Just
like us, Earth needs balance. She needs consideration. She
needs kinder treatment. Earth's natural systems make life on
our planet possible. Our actions have an impact on the health
and well being of Earth. We’re part of Earth. We’re not separate
from her. Since every decision affects our interconnected Earth,
our best option is a simple one — treat all elements of
existence, including ourselves, with equal care and attention.
That's what I’m trying to do with Co-Creative Mandalas: Bring a
connection, a balance, a look outside, and inside our world and
ourselves. All in the hopes of appreciating ourselves, each
other, the beauty our world has to offer, and the contribution we
make within the ebb and flow of nature itself. By respecting
Earth's transforming capabilities we can flow with an
appreciation of her beautiful, sustainable, nurturing cycle of life--
within and in the world around us. The serenity of nature is
outside us, and at the same, who we really are--whole and
complete. I love discovering and experiencing the awe of
knowing that everything, somehow, fits together.
Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
about the world around you, playing in nature, touching it,
feeling it, smelling it? To feel connected, to be in touch with who
we are, we have to go back and connect with our childlike
respect for nature, and appreciate its serenity. When we
connect our body with Earth, we build a sense of trust
within, so we can relax into openness and acceptance — and
sense what our body needs moment to moment. One of the
many ways of doing that is Earthing (also known as grounding),
a way to make contact with Earth's surface electrons by
walking barefoot outside. I love this time of year when the
weather warms up and I take my socks off! I like to do this first
thing in the morning when there's still dew on the grass. This
practice involves connecting your body, mind, and spirit to
Studies also show that connecting your body with Earth's
electrons has many health benefits. According to the National
Institutes of Health Earthing can improve sleep, decrease
stress, and improve well-being. Research supports Earthing as
an essential element for boosting your overall health and
wellness. Learning to ground your body with Earth helps
regulate your emotions and nervous system, and gives you a
solid foundation to experience greater peace, stability, and
From physics to metaphysics coherence has an impact on all
people and things. "The state of coherence is important to all of
us in helping to maintain our mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual well being. Coherence in relation to any system,
including the human body, refers to a logical orderly and
harmonious connectedness between parts, the quality of Unity.
Among the many benefits of coherence are calmness, good
energy levels, and clear thinking". (Adapted from the Derbyshire
Community Health Services Bulletin, March 2012).
It's obvious to many of us that we've been at a critical junction in
human existence for quite some time. We are at a choice point,
one that could be the most important ever faced. We are on the
threshold of a new stage of social, spiritual, and cultural
On the one hand, we see evidence of social and political unrest
and financial instability, along with dramatic changes in the
environment. Very few people could have predicted the war in
Ukraine. These are real problems, even if we hold the belief that
we are on the verge of a new planetary order.
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.
John Muir, My First Summer in the Sierra
rhythms, the energy that is the life force within of all things.
Scientific hypotheses are pointing toward the possibility that
invisible magnetic influences emanating from the sun and earth
profoundly affect life on earth from birth to death. Studies show
that solar and geo-magnetic cycles not only correlate with
human health indicators, but also with such major societal
conflicts as violence, crime, terrorism, and war. Our energy also
influences geo-magnetic cycles, and by extension Earth, in
life affirming and destructive ways. For an in-depth exploration
of numerous scientific studies about the interconnection
between our energy and planetary energy and how each
influences the other, check out The Global Coherence
Initiative: Creating a Coherent Planetary Standing Wave
So, how do we develop coherence?
To many of us (most of the time), it's clear that we're on the
verge of a shift in human consciousness, one in which we are
co-creators and more in control of our own evolution. I'm
heartened by the increase in the number of individuals, groups,
and organizations around the world who are longing and
working for peace, environmental improvement, and social
change. Never before has there been global access to practices
that increase balance and peace through personal and
collective efforts, including prayer, meditation, affirmations,
mindfulness, and energy modalities. Even so, the individual and
collective stress of the current times sometimes makes it difficult
to calm down, focus, quiet the mind, and experience coherence.
Each of us is capable of achieving, maintaining and increasing
our coherence. One of the simplest and quickest paths to
enhance coherence is through intentional positive feelings.
These include compassion, caring, love and gratitude and other
states of appreciation. In contrast, we can quickly become
incoherent when we experience constricted attitudes and
emotions, i.e., emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety. Just a
note about constricted emotions: They aren't bad or negative.
They serve a purpose and it's important to recognize and honor
those emotions. When we accept ALL our emotions, we are
accepting ourselves. As Carl Rogers said: “The curious paradox
is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change”. There
are many processes and techniques that support the exploration
of constricted emotions. My favorite is Emotional Freedom
Every time we look to make a change, heal our past, or build a
new future, we must let go of something and integrate
something. It's like digestion. And, like every change on Earth,
something must release in order for a new intelligence to shine
through. This process depends upon our capacity to rest calmly,
discern what's good for us, and what isn't, and transform our
experience into action.
The Co-Creative Mandala below, "Coherence", from a
photograph of a single peony symbolizes healing. This mandala
supports our search for unity and balance. For appreciating all
the interrelationships we have. For experiencing the feeling of
curiosity, awe,and wholeness. Thoreau describes this as "at
one-ness". This mandala communicates a reverence for life--
the knowledge that we live and we want to keep on living. We
share this desire with all living beings--from bears to blossoms,
bees to whales--we are a family of living beings, experiencing
life on the living Earth.
See the world around you, see Earth, with innocence, delight, and curiosity. Discover what nurtures and sustains you.
Coherence Sacred Practice:
The real power of the practice is the intention you place behind
it. This is the time of coherence. Start your day by setting the
intention that you are dedicating this time to self-care, to
remembering Wholeness and awakening to Unity. This practice
is a simple method of helping you to develop a state of greater
coherence at will. So with practice, it can be used to manage
stress, promote feelings of well-being and be present, without
conscious effort. With practice, you'll discover that this inner
resource is available to you for increasing periods of time.
Be gentle with yourself as you discover what nurtures and
sustains you.
Choose what you need to create sacred space: Flowers, leaves
represent spring, candles, incense, and music can help guide
your focus.
When you are ready, invite any subtle colleagues, allies, your
guides and helpers to join you in your sacred practice. Wait a
moment for that connection and alliance to form.
Before you begin the practice:
First, invest some time for reflecting on the Coherence mandala.
What message does it have for you? What expansive energy do
you want more of in your life? You may choose to reflect on
your vision statement. How will bringing Coherence into your life
support manifesting your vision? How will you nurture the
mandala of your life? How will you practice self-care and self-
compassion by bringing more Coherence to your life?
Now, the Coherence practice:*
Create a coherent state in about a minute with these simple but
powerful steps.
Step 1 Heart Focus – focus your attention on the area around
your heart, the area in the center of your chest. If you like,
place your hand over the center of your chest to help to keep
your attention in the heart area.
Step 2 Heart Breathing – breathe deeply but normally and feel
as if your breath is coming in and going out through your heart
area. As you inhale, feel as if your breath is flowing in through
your heart, and as you exhale, feel it leaving through this area.
Breathe slowly and casually, a little deeper than normal.
Continue breathing with ease until you find a natural inner
rhythm that feels good to you.
Step 3 Heart Feeling – This is the most important step --
as you maintain your heart focus and heart breathing, activate
an expansive feeling. Recall a time when you felt a feeling of
love, compassion, or appreciation. One of the easiest
ways to generate an expansive heart-based feeling is to
remember a special place you’ve been to or the love you feel for
a close friend or family member or treasured pet.
When to use the Coherence Practice
This experience should ideally be done for periods of time each
day, as a way of promoting health and a sense of well being.
With practice, the state of coherence can become deeper and
more profound. However, this technique can be especially
useful when you start to feel a draining emotion such as
frustration, irritation or anxiety or stress. Using quick coherence
at the onset of less intense constricted emotions can prevent
them from escalating and bring you back into balance more
You can use the quick coherence technique anytime, anywhere
and no one will know that you are doing it. In less than a minute,
it creates positive changes in your heart rhythms, sending
powerful signals to your brain that can improve how you are
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,