Today I'm brimming over with gratitude...Gratitude for you and
the exquisite circle of spirit-friends who are part of the Co-
Creative Mandalas community. So thank you, thank you, thank
you for all you do to remember your Wholeness and to bring
your Light to the world! Thank you for sharing your gifts
generously with the world, in whatever way you do. I feel
comforted by your presence.
I'm grateful for our collective wisdom that brings us to this
precious moment of waking up; and for life filled with
opportunities to grow; and for our strength to dance with shadow
& Light. So a shout out to you all (each and every one)...may
gratitude open and fill your heart on this Winter Solstice and
throughout the holiday season...
What better time to offer a simple "Wow!" and "Thank You!"
than this time of year. November brought the opportunity to
celebrate Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity during Diwali; the
beginning of December gave us Hanukkah and the celebration
of light and today, in the Northern Hemisphere, is the Winter
Solstice. I love this time of year with all the opportunities for
celebrating inner and outer Light.
The holidays don't hold the same meaning for everyone, even
though many traditions celebrate the Light during this time of

Solstice for nearly 40 years. The
first celebration took place with
friends who lived outside of
Roseburg, Oregon. Martha and
Alan laid a cedar bough spiral on
the ground, under a star-lit sky, with
one lit candle standing in the center
of the spiral, a reminder that even in the darkness there is
always the Light. Each of us walked the spiral to the center and
lit our own candles. As we returned around the spiral, we carried
our candles, placing them somewhere along the spiral. When
we each had completed our journey to the center and back, the
entire spiral was illuminated with our individual and collective
Light. It was magic! Such rituals are done all over the world on
the longest night as the darkness is vanquished and the Light
returns. Magical, indeed.
Christmas is also magical for me, even if it's a bit more
complicated--what with the commercialism that often begins
before Halloween, the expectations for the "perfect" gift or
event. I love transforming our home with sparkling lights
and color, of sharing love and the joy of being together, and
bringing gifts to each other. It's a time set aside to remember
that we are all sparks of Light and Love walking the planet. I still
send handwritten holiday greetings because it's a time of
thinking of others.
For those of us keenly aware of the cycle of the seasons, the
Winter Solstice is the day on which the rest of the year
pivots...At the Summer Solstice, I experienced all the abundant
energy that comes with bright sunlight and long days, which
called me outside and into activity late into the bright night of the
longest day of the year. Now, the journey around the sun
inspires me to breathe in and sit with myself and enjoy a time of
reflection and stillness when the world sleeps, and I slow down
in preparation for the returning Light.
As we enter the winter season, we remember that it's like the
chrysalis stage in the evolution of the butterfly. This is the time
when the caterpillar is wrapped up quietly, in the dark of her
cocoon. It doesn’t look like anything’s happening. Deep inside, a
quiet transformation is beginning. The caterpillar is evolving,
preparing to emerge as a magnificent butterfly.
All of nature, including us, is undergoing this same
transformation throughout winter. To the outside world life is still
& quiet. The days are short; the trees are bare; Earth is asleep.
Everything appears to be dead or frozen. You can't see that
something meaningful happening. Hidden inside you or deep
underground, a magical transformation is occurring. Whether or
not you can see it in nature and in your life, your spirit and
Earth are undergoing a significant transformation.
I invite you to be like the caterpillar. Wrap yourself snuggly in
your cocoon, and simply rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. No work is
This inward stillness offers an opportunity to envision changes I
want to see in my life, for clearing inner and outer clutter and
creating spaciousness. Every time I pause, reflect, and let go of
what no longer serves me, I see well-being in all areas of my
Embrace the grace and ease of the season.
This is the time of Restoration.
Allow the stillness to guide you.
Bring your dreams to life. This exercise will help you open
yourself to the positivity & possibilities of the holiday season and
the coming New Year. It’s designed to help you honor and leave
behind whatever doesn’t serve you and to bring your Light to the
season and to the New Year.
Give yourself plenty of time to dive deeply into this exercise.
Meditate, journal, create your sacred space for doing this
exercise throughout the holidays, the winter season and in to
the New Year. Come back to this exercise as often as you like.
Make it your own.
Find a quiet place, without interruptions. Light two candles, one
for that part of you that is holding on and one for that part of you
that is letting go.
Invest your time and attention. Don’t rush. Close your eyes.
Take several deep breaths.
Open your eyes and focus on the mandala. Invest a
few minutes toward feeling the “Restoration” energy traveling
through your body & all your chakras. Imagine that energy
bursting through your crown chakra & extending far into the
heavens. Now, feel the “Restoration” energy entering your
body through your crown chakra. Sit with this energy for a few
minutes, feel yourself connected to the mandala energy.
What about the mandala captures your attention? Notice and
Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Begin asking yourself the following questions; acknowledge
whatever is holding you and holding you back. This helps train
your brain to see yourself in a different light.
Reflect on the year that’s ending & your hopes for the New
1. What do you want to leave behind with the old year? What
no longer serves you? What keeps your Light from shining in
the world?
Let your Light encase all that you are holding on to.
Honor whatever is holding you back and remember that it
served you at one time. When you're ready, allow yourself to let
2. What do you want to keep that supports your next journey
around the sun? What are your strengths and gifts? What ways
do you bring your Light to the world?
3. What are your hopes & wishes for the New Year?
What are you already starting to dream about? What ideas are
coming up for your life in the New Year? What ways will you
share your Light with the world?
Get really clear & very specific about what you’d like to draw
into your life. The clearer you are the more power the exercise
will hold. Read your hopes and wishes out loud.
This exercise is an act of self-love, the cornerstone of a
miraculous life. During this holiday season it may be hard to let
your Light shine when you’re stressed about money, worried
about gatherings and tensions in your family, or burned out with
end-of-the-year deadlines.
Here’s a quick suggestion to bring you back to a place of self-
love in an instant….no matter how stressed you feel:
Simply close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and
breathe into that area. Then silently ask yourself the question,
“What’s the most loving thing I could do for myself right now?”
Your answer might be something as simple as taking some
deep breaths or drinking some water. It might be saying “no” to
a recent request or speaking up for yourself. Or it might be to
come back to the "Restoration" mandala as a reminder to stop,
breathe, and appreciate the gift of this season.
It may seem odd that I'm suggesting that you stop and ask
yourself this question when you’re in the midst of so much to do,
but it just takes a few seconds, and it brings you back to your
heart and to your Light. And when we take care of ourselves,
everything else flows more easily and we have more space to
let our Light shine.
May your days be filled with love, deep peace and Light during
this holiday season and beyond.