the Vernal Equinox, a very special time when the day was
almost as long as the night. Spring has Sprung!
Changes that happen now are planting the seeds of opportunity
for realizing some big dreams. During this second full month of
spring, as I look at this photo of daffodils, I find myself thinking
about movement
forward, and
focus, intention and
emerging energy,
what I want to see take
flight in my life—what
beauty I want to allow
to unfold and shape into
a new reality. I'm also
noticing that annual feeling--as if on cue--to put my space in
order--to clean indoors and out (think, donating bags of clothes
that are no longer a good fit and boxes of books that I've already
read or may never read). This is the time when budding trees
are bursting forth with the promise of a bountiful harvest,
when ducklings swim alongside their mothers, preparing for the
day when they'll take flight, and the bees are drinking in the first
nectar of the season, ensuring that in a few months there
will be fruit hanging from the trees. It's the time for planning our
gardens (creating a map for the future), preparing the soil and
planting seeds (trusting the process), and observing the
emerging plants (appreciating new life).
This is the time to send out into the universe what I wish to birth.
It's the time for New Beginnings … (a necessary redundancy).
Spring's subtle and dramatic beauty fills my senses and brings
me comfort in the knowledge that I've been given a reprieve
from the cold, dark days of winter. I also notice the magical
beauty of inner, subtle energy. It helps me embody the cycles
of nature in balance and to become more like the flow of nature
when I breathe, in my movements, in my thoughts … allowing
the ebb and flow that is life. I love knowing that as I cultivate
respect for nature and take the time to observe all her beauty in
diverse forms, I experience the evolution of consciousness; I'm
changed as I embrace the rhythm of this new season and come
into balance. By being more in touch with my inner and outer
resources, I discover the blessings of nature and my inspired
This Co-Creative Mandala--"New Beginnings" from a
photograph of daffodils (they are such diverse and amazing
flowers!), reminds us of the unique combination of yin and yang
that this time of year offers and invites us to embrace balance,
both inside and out … Allowing the mandala energy to emerge
from within, we co-create with the energy of the universe and
allow it to flow into our body, mind and spirit as it activates the
natural healing potential that exists within each of us. We have
the potential for co-creating that perfect balance of equal day
and equal night within our own being…equal yang and equal
yin. When the body is in balance, the mind is clear and the spirit
can soar and charge ahead into new spaces, where anything
we dream of can become our reality.
Believe in yourself
and trust the co-creative energy
that flows to you, through you, and as you.
Remember that the universe wants you
to succeed.
and energy is intention … your intention forms your reality, and
with pure energy, your dreams, what you imagine for yourself,
can become your reality.
The universe is sending you connections that can help you
reach your wildest dreams. You’re on a mission of self-
New Beginnings Exercise:
Find a quiet place, without interruptions. Close your eyes. Take
a couple of deep breaths. Now, open your eyes and take in the
energy of the mandala...the colors, shape, texture, the yin and
yang, the balance. What about the mandala captures your
And now ask yourself:
What do I intend for myself? What New Beginnings am I open
to? Am I in balance? What do I need to create an inner equal
day and equal night? How can I co-create the perfect balance of
yang and yin for optimal health and well-being? What message
does the mandala offer me in support of remembering my
What if you notice resistance?
Did you notice fear or resistance surfacing as you completed the
the New Beginnings Exercise? When you identify any
resistance that may be blocking you from moving forward, you
can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to release and
clear your fears that may be keeping you stuck! Once any fears
or resistance is cleared, the door opens to allow New
Isn’t it time to move forward and enjoy the abundance you
deserve? When you are ready to release any resistance that
may be holding you back, and start to notice how much
abundance is in your life, the universe will support you in new
and surprising ways.
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,