Creative Mandalas and the blessings that each season brings.
Just like the seasons affect all animals, plants, trees, insects,
and flowers--all living things on Earth, we believe the seasons
also have an effect on our mind, body, and spirit. We feel
different energy at different times of the year. For instance, our
energy is much different at Summer Solstice than it is at the
Winter Solstice. Co-Creative Mandalas represent a microcosm
of the greater mandala that is seen throughout the year with
each passing season. We are thrilled to share insights and
practices that support your journey toward increased peace and
(WAHOO!), it’s still winter outside (as evidenced by the blizzard
that blew through Colorado yesterday leaving snow in our front
yard, sub-zero wind chill, and icicles hanging from the gutters).
The Earth is quiet throughout the winter months, sleeping and
preparing for new growth. It’s also a time to rest and invest time
toward preparing internally for changes we envision.
This runs counter to the energy on January 1st which invited
me to commit myself to fresh beginnings and new intentions. I’m
pretty sure that many of us translated the spirit of these
beginnings into resolutions, setting goals, making plans, and
moving into action. We begin with feeling motivated and
energized; we envision our best possible self and set intentions
and create goals to support the changes we hope for.
Every year I say to myself "This year will be different. I'm going
to finish all the projects I made resolutions for last year". For a
while I’ve been trying to figure out why I can stick to my
resolutions for a while and then slowly drift back to the habits I
had before that pesky New Year came along putting pressure
on me to clear out closets, eat healthier or join a gym all in
service of “new year, new me” . Even if I manage to stay the
course for a while, all those good intentions for mind, body, spirit
improvements often fade in the rear view mirror in a month or so
and I go back to the habits I had before I envisioned clean
closets, de-cluttered desks, and a slimmer, trimmer body.
Research shows a third of resolutions don’t make it past the first
month. Why is that?
that are too lofty or not
connected to our values or are
based on outside approval.
Others say it’s because our
goals aren’t S.M.A.R.T. or
because the goal takes too long
to achieve. I can see how those
reasons may be barriers to achieving our goals.
And…I think there’s a deeper reason that we abandon our
resolutions, goals or intentions--particularly the ones we make
at the end of the year.
I hold the belief that the movement toward action at the New
Year may run counter to the seasonal energy present at that
time and throughout the weeks of winter. Have you noticed that
your energy is different in January than it is in June? More on
this later.
Sometimes when I don't achieve my goals or master a
challenge as rapidly I like, I get frustrated. I lose motivation; I
feel impatient. Full disclosure: I’m not a particularly patient
person. Many years ago I told my more patient friends (who
urged me to be patient) that “patience isn’t a virtue, it’s a waste
of time”. They laughed; I laughed. But I was (and still am)
serious about that, some of the time. Even though I strive to
change my ways and be more patient, there’s still a kernel of
truth in that statement (a story for another time).
I recently saw a FRUSTRATION HAPPENS bumper
sticker--(why didn't I think of that?). I admit I smiled when I read
it. Each day I find plenty of good reasons to be impatient--long
lines. Telemarketers. A goal isn’t materializing “fast enough.” I
can drive myself crazy (crazier than I already am), be irritable,
feel victimized, or try to force an outcome--all self-defeating
behaviors. Or, I can learn to cultivate the power of Yet--a type of
hope that reminds us that just because we haven’t achieved our
goal yet, we’re on a learning journey and we shouldn’t give up
even when we’re faced with challenges. It’s an exciting concept.
I love the Sesame Street song!
Dr. Carol Dweck has made it her life’s work to research how
learning happens. Although she’s primarily done her research in
education, I think her results point toward understanding how
our mindset supports achieving our goals. As I understand it,
she identifies two mindsets: Fixed and Growth. These mindsets
are based on the stories we tell ourselves when we’re faced
with a learning curve or waiting to achieve our goals.
The fixed mindset stories are based on limiting beliefs we have
about ourselves—“you’re not good enough”, “it’s safer not to
try”. The growth mindset stories are based on realizing we have
a choice about how we approach challenges and obstacles “I
am good enough”, “I’m willing to give it a try”. At the heart of
growth mindset is patience—the practice of waiting, watching,
knowing when to act and learning along the way. Patience
attunes us to our intuition. It is self-care in action.
So, how are the power of YET and patience connected to the
seasonal energy that’s present in the winter months? So glad
you asked!
There is a special stillness in winter. Everything seems dead &
frozen, but life is quietly unfolding deep in the darkness. It’s a
time of turning inward. It’s a time of rest. A time when anything
is possible. New possibilities are born within us at this time of
year, even if we can’t see them--yet. Winter is a time of
envisioning new beginnings. As we move from winter to spring,
we’ll begin looking forward to the projects & plans we’ll bring to
fruition over the months ahead. Patience is the energy that
winter invites us to cultivate; it's the foundation upon which our
goals and plans are built. Patience draws us inward toward
wisdom, our Wholeness. It invites us to trust ourselves, our
intuition, and the power of...yet.
Change is happening deep within even if you can't see it.
Nurture the seeds of new ideas and intentions.
Trust in the order of all things.
Patience Exercise:
Bring your dreams to life. If changes need to be made in your
life, this exercise is going to set that in motion. It’s designed to
help you honor what is and leave behind whatever doesn’t serve
you and to support allowing your goals to manifest.
Give yourself plenty of time to dive deeply into this exercise.
Meditate, journal, create your sacred space for doing this
exercise throughout the remaining days of winter and in to
the spring season. Come back to this exercise as often as you
like. Make it your own.
Find a quiet place, without interruptions. Light two candles, one
for that part of you that is holding on and one for that part of you
that is letting go.
Invest your time and attention. Don’t rush. Close your eyes.
Take several deep breaths.
Open your eyes and focus on the mandala. Invest a
few minutes toward feeling the “Patience” energy traveling
through your body & all your chakras. Imagine that energy
bursting through your crown chakra & extending far into the
heavens. Now, feel the “Patience” energy entering your
body through your crown chakra. Sit with this energy for a few
minutes, feel yourself connected to the mandala energy.
What about the mandala captures your attention? Notice and
Wonder--Something in me is feeling...
I wonder what it wants me to know?
Begin asking yourself the following questions; acknowledge
whatever is holding you and holding you back. This helps train
your brain to cultivate a growth mindset...
1. What has changed in my life over the past 6 months?
2. What do I need to let go of now in order to freely move
forward in my life? What beliefs or assumptions are holding
me back?
3. What changes am I currently experiencing in my life?
4. What is newly beginning in my life?
This is a transformative time in your life as you begin
implementing all the changes & plans you dreamt about over
the winter . Right now, these energies are combining to make
this a time of growth & evolution. In order to make this change
a reality, first appreciate what is. Then cultivate the power of
Yet, your gift of patience, and invite transformation to effortlessly
Imagine re-reading your answers to these questions 12 months
from now. How will you feel? Are you going to re-read it and feel
like nothing has changed? Or are you going to look back and
say, “WOW! This last year has been filled with patience, so
much more self-love and greater abundance!”
Trust that everything is unfolding in the perfect way. Allow
yourself to open to the greatest possibilities the coming spring
holds for you. Trust that you are on your path and exactly where
you are meant to be. Open to all the blessings that you co-
create with the Universe.
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,