how interconnected I am to Nature and to the energy present at
each season. With the beginning of the Autumnal Equinox,
summer is ending. I feel such gratitude for the joy and fun and
all the amazing, abundant experiences I had this summer. Don
and I had massive growth in our gardens, and we’re harvesting
and enjoying an abundance of veggies and gorgeous flowers.
Even though in Colorado where we live, the days still seem
more like summer (in the mid-80s today), I feel the change in
the air. It’s time to move into the next powerful cycle by taking
stock of the blessings summer brought and also by
acknowledging inner changes, growth, and what I need to
release and let go of.
The Autumnal Equinox is the second of two days when the
Earth is in perfect balance—day and night are approximately
equal. In spring the daylight hours start to lengthen, and begins
the cycle when we co-create new life with Nature and begin
bringing our “winter dreams” into reality. It’s the season of new
beginnings. In the fall the days begin to shorten, and we enter
the cycle of releasing and dying. Autumn is the time to reflect
and appreciate the abundant harvest—what we’ve grown in our
gardens (or have enjoyed from others’ gardens) as well as the
ways we’ve grown, evolved, and our triumphs from this year.
Remembering and feeling proud of our accomplishments is an
act of self-care and self-acceptance. This is the time to
remember that you're friggin’ AWESOME!
feel the growth right now,
your soul has expanded
and evolved since you set
your intentions at the New
Year, planted seeds at
the Vernal Equinox, and
experienced the intense
growing months since the Summer Solstice. The bountiful
harvest that’s taking place right now will continue to unfold over
the coming months as your focus turns inward.
the beauty and abundance of summer toward the darkness of
winter. Remember, in order for new growth to happen in spring,
things die in autumn. This cycle occurs outwardly in nature and
within. This is a powerful time to cultivate deep gratitude as you
turn toward transformation, resting, and dreaming of the seeds
you’ll plant for next year’s harvest. This is the time to cultivate
gratitude to fuel your visions over the coming months.
When you look closely at the energy present at each season
and what’s happening in Nature, you begin to see the same
cycle of birth, growth, and death within. When changes occur in
Nature, you also experience an energetic shift. When you
consciously connect with the Universe you realize how it is
supporting your growth at each step along your pathway to
remembering your Wholeness. This time of Transformation is a
reminder that the Universe wants you to grow, evolve, and
release whatever no longer serves you—to make room for new
visions, ideas, and intentions.
The inner and outer energy is changing, the season is changing
and so are you. Your soul is longing to stretch, grow, and let go
along with the changes all around you. This Co-Creative
Mandala--"Transformation", invites you to express gratitude,
acknowledge your accomplishments, and honor this time of
releasing, shedding the old, dying petals that no longer serve
This is the time to turn inward.
Connect with the mystery & magic of autumn.
The Universe supports your Transformation!
Give yourself plenty of time to dive deeply into this exercise.
Light two candles, one for what you’re releasing and one for the
future. Meditate, journal, create your sacred space throughout
this autumn season. Come back to this exercise over the next
couple of months. Make the exercise your own.
Find a quiet place, without interruptions. Close your eyes. Take
a couple of deep breaths.
Now, open your eyes and take in the energy of the
mandala...focus on each part of the mandala--the center, the
colors, shape, and texture. Allow yourself to feel the vibration of
What about the mandala captures your attention? Notice and
Something in me is feeling:
I wonder what it wants me to know?
1. Reflect on the blessings you’ve received this year.
Throughout the ages our ancestors created a yearly ritual that
included pausing and expressing gratitude for the bountiful
abundance all around at this time of year. What blessings did
you experience this summer? What are you grateful for?
2. Reflect on your personal growth and accomplishments.
You’ve invested time and put forth energy to tend and nurture
your visions and your dreams—the intentions you set at the
New Year and the seeds you planted in the spring. What outer
accomplishments are you proud of? What inner growth has
taken place over the past few months? Write a note to yourself
and express how proud you are of your accomplishments! You
3. Reflect on this time of balance. Autumn, like spring, is when
the Earth is in balance. What areas of your life are balanced?
What areas of your life do you need to restore balance? What
can you do to bring balance to your life?
4. Reflect on this season of dying and letting go; of shedding the
old to make room for the new. What are you ready to let go of?
What “old petals” do you need to shed in order for your soul to
You may have difficulty with the autumn Transformation energy.
I know at times I've experienced challenges due to loss and
grief this time of year. Shifting from the nostalgia that comes
from letting go of the past can be disturbing. With the right tools,
you can hold a friendly and welcoming space for your emotions,
tap into Transformation and begin to say a little "yes" to letting
We look for ways to feel good when we're feeling bad. This is
the body's natural inclination to move toward healing, toward
Wholeness and wellbeing. By tapping on meridian accupoints,
EFT-Tapping sends a signal to the energy system that
everything is okay. It's a very effective technique for clearing our
energy system of the disruptions that show up as unprocessed
emotions; we feel comforted and soothed as a result of tapping.
When we feel better, we can see our human experience through
a compassionate and loving lens.
I would be honored to be your companion, your "spiritual
Sherpa", supporting your journey through the peaks and
valleys that come with releasing and shedding old patterns as
you embrace Transformation.
Peace and joy to your seeking heart,